Introduction, Part 2

13 08 2008

After many years, the natives, who came into power through a coup in the 1980’s, tried to take revenge. A song that the natives sang when they overthrew President Tolbert was, “One native woman born soldier and soldier killed Tolbert.” People were rejoicing in the streets. What came to my mind when I was older was, “Is it a good thing to kill somebody?” I am sure that should not be the attitude of a nation that considers itself to be a Christian nation, but you could see the bitterness still in the heart of the people.

After all this there were still power struggles between Liberia’s people, corruption and even dictatorships which led to several years of civil wars. These wars have led to thousands of deaths.

However, it can be found recorded in history that the church of God grows quickly in adversity. In the midst of difficult and evil circumstances in Liberia God has done the same in His people and brought many lives close to him.

To be continued…



One response

4 01 2009

Hi Brother Munty,
I am sorry if you get this comment twice, I am trying but it look like it is not working. This is an amazing history that some of us doesn’t even know about. your blog is great. Keep it up.
Love Mercy Lorina

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